the loss of virginity
the awakening of the spirit
lying on soiled earth
toes curling in
to them
holding a dying flower
in one hand
an animal
furred and panting
the other
the sky still blue
mountains and grass
remaining green
painted the
river red
To quote you, you say "In my work I juxtapose concrete images with
abstract notions, often write in structures such as unrhyming couplets and
triadic verse, stress economy, and utilize such literary conceits as the
ekphrasis poem, parallel structure and the incorporation of mythology within my
work." What do you consider to be the dominant societal mythology at
the moment, and how, if at all, do you seek to express it in your poetry?
William Wright Harris: The dominant societal mythology in
contemporary America; wow, great subject for an essay. There are so many. As a
country, we are a theocracy in the guise of democracy; and the religious
constructs that were so effective in evoking fear and submission from the
masses of humanity (think Marx, saying, "Religion is the opiate of the
masses") are largely irrelevant today. The church that for centuries has
emphasized the blind aspect of "Blind Faith" has been proven to be filled
with a history that turned a blind eye to the transatlantic slave trade, to the
holocaust, and to the paedophiliac acts of their own members. Another mythology
is in America itself, a country founded by white slave owners that just wanted
to be free? In a land that is supposedly free to practice whatever religious
practices one desires within said borders, citizens are forced to use a
currency with the monotheistic Judeo-Christian deity's name printed thereon as
well as swear your allegiance to said deity in the Pledge of Allegiance? At
what point is that freedom? Also, the American governmental system is
based on a Republic in which the smallest fraction of the population
controls the majority of the country's wealth. Supposedly, it is the
American people that elect their Commander-in-Chief; this is simply not
true. Said office is elected by the Electoral College, rendering
the vote acquired by the masses utterly worthless. Finally, the
social construct women in this country have engrained into their psyche from
the cradle is simply sickening. That a woman must be some dainty
figure distressed and in need of their masculine counterparts to not only
rescue them but preserve them is a disgusting cultural conceit.
I understand you have been in workshop settings with such poets as
Jesse Janeshek, Marilyn Kallet, Arthur Smith, and Marcel Brouwers. I'd
like you to share an insight or two that you have gleaned from one of them.
Which of them do you feel you see most in "loss of
William Wright Harris: I really don't see on particular professor's
influence; rather I see an amalgamation thereof. Jesse Janeshek taught me to
spend the time learning the rules of poetry so that I may spend the rest of my
life breaking said rules as well as how to own your work. Marilyn Kallet taught
me that I own my own work as well as how to apply my knowledge to such forms as
unrhyming couplets and triadic verse. Arthur Smith taught me the movements of the
poem (strophe, antistrophe, and vehicle) as well as supplying me with some of
my favorite contemporary poets. Marcel Brouwers taught me how to use titles, a
thematic problem for me traditionally, as well as the fact that sometimes the
poem is bigger than the poet. So, again, it is hard to see one professor
standing out in this piece above others. I hope this helps.
What is next for you as a poet?
William Wright Harris: Next I intend to pursue a career in teaching.
As a poet I am submitting my first manuscript, Songs from the Kitchen,
for publication while constructing my second manuscript around ekphrastic
Bio Note
poet William Wright Harris's poetry has appeared in nine countries. Currently,
he studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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