Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Martha Landman


             and I love to watch the clouds
                        -- Albert Hammond

Splendid clouds in shades of white
the mountain’s wedding dress

in silk, the moon
on late night shift

the sun / a groom in hiding
softened by the coolest mist

beautiful wedding gifts
sculpted in the clouds

the little bridesmaids — soundless
nymphs — skirt the prairies and

telegraph their timeless secrets
in passionate Baroque-tone

to God’s translucent playgrounds.


TSTmpj:  Do you often spend time cloud watching?

Martha Landman:  As a child I loved to lie on the lawn and watch the clouds and made up little stories out of it.  I had quite a vivid imagination.  I don't "cloud watch" as a hobby anymore, but whenever I walk, drive or ride and see the clouds I am fascinated by the beautiful constructions and, yes, it still conjures up beautiful tales.


TSTmpj:  I don't know about you, but when I think of weddings I think of promise, and hope.  The imagery of your poem leaves me, literally, uplifted and looking up.  It's also feminine in feel to me.  Any comments?

Martha Landman:  I'm too much of a cynic to make too much out of wedding fairytales. It's not the wedding that's important, but that marriage, and that is a whole different ball game. That doesn't stop me though from wild embroidery ... I have been intrigued by the fact that my poems often have a bit of a dark ending. Maybe it's my way of supporting the underdog.


TSTmpj:  I love the poem's denouement.  Passion and playfulness, with a sacred element.  Do you feel that as adults we lose those elements in our lives too easily?  Did you have fun writing this poem?

Martha Landman:  I'm not sure that people lose it, maybe they're just not always as aware and not treasuring it as much.  I have a deep passion for life. I'm often seen as serious by others, while most of the time I'm just having fun.  I love to play - especially with words - and it sometimes gets me into trouble.

Bio Note

Martha always loved writing, but only started serious writing a few years ago when she joined Writers in Townsville Society.