For Peter Hurst, to Commemorate His Seventieth Birthday
Peter, you’ve stood firm for seventy years
in the æther, feet firmly on the ground.
Tending husband, father and grandfather
ever delighted by your dispersed clan:
you should’ve been a stately emperor.
You always extend a helping hand;
uninspired by punctuality, rather you
renovate a house with brilliant
artfulness on the Alligator Creek hill;
a tribute to Lori, your love eternal.
Calm you may seem, but you’re full
of fun and laughter, you gladly share
loyalty with everyone upon your path.
Integrity is your only cloak, Peter;
nothing dark, sinister warps your being.
Reminiscing with friends and family,
your abundant life so rich it cannot be
painted in this two part poem to a
kindred spirit, a friend, for life
who teaches, inspires, loves his wife.
Peter Hurst, solid as a rock
Lori forever by his side
Not much worried by writer’s block
Peter Hurst, solid as a rock
With this triolet I unlock
Creation, these words my tide
Peter Hurst, solid as a rock
Lori forever by his side.
TSTmpj: For those readers unfamiliar with Peter Hurst, would you share some more thoughts about him based on your personal experience of knowing him?
Martha Landman: I met Peter Hurst when I joined the Writers in Townsville Society (WITS) in 2010 and was impressed with him from the start. I observed Peter always reaching out to and supporting new members of the club, always calm, encouraging and very consistent. To my mind, a rock in WITS and very supportive to his wife, Lori, who was and still is the President of WITS, and above all a great family man, who never lets the opportunity for a joke pass by.
TSTmpj: Loved ones and family play an important role in the poem. What is the greatest gift a loved one or family member can give someone, in your view?
Martha Landman: Definitely the space and an attitude that will allow them to be who they are. We tend to be critical of loved ones and act as if we have the right to judge them. Our greatest gift is to accept, respect, acknowledge, love and validate who they are. That will allow family members to grow and blossom. In fact that is what we would want from our family members, isn't it?
TSTmpj: "Writer's block" is mentioned in the concluding triolet. Is this a problem for you, and how do you try to combat it?
Martha Landman: Don't talk to me about writers block, man. It feels like that's all I know about writing! And that's the beauty of a club like WITS – there's enough opportunity and ideas to get inspired, be reminded of the "tricks" of writing and to keep the juices flowing. I find the more I communicate with other writers, the more inspired I get. And deadlines for writing projects also help.
Bio Note
South African born Australian poet Martha Landman now resides in Townsville. Her work has appeared in Dr. Hurley’s Snake-Oil Cure.